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Sunday, April 29, 2018

My Mamala Virgin Deo Review


I never thought I would come to write this review about the product that has been making waves in the country since it started being sold here in the Philippines early last year, 2017. I thought long and hard about this review and I believe it's about time that I also add my personal experience with this product, both as a user and a distributor.

As a mother of 4 who has been suffering from dark underarm problems since I entered puberty, I thought there's no hope for my underarm I can't afford the expensive treatments that are available nowadays. Per session for underarm whitening already costs around 1 thousand pesos, more or less, and you would have to complete the sessions that are required to achieve the white and smooth underarm that you want. For someone who is on a tight budget, it's a big no-no for me. And the expensive creams that are being marketed doesn't really guarantee that you will achieve the results that you want.

My underarm problems are the following:
  • Chicken Skin
  • Dark Underarm
  • Bad Odor
I also have stretch marks because I became "big" when I was pregnant with my first child. And because I kept on using the deodorants that are readily available in every store in this country, my underarm became darker. I've seen a lot of deodorant being advertised online, in spray form, cream, and the usual roll-on. They are heavily advertised already by the sellers/distributors but they didn't catch my interest because I got burned by those empty promises. #whogoat :)

I mean, who wouldn't, right? We all know how they want to make it look like their product actually works and that's what gave me my underarm problems in the first place. They would claim that the price justifies the quality of the product only to end up getting disappointed and to top it off, you could either develop an allergy or your underarm can go darker, if possible.

One day, I saw one of my former colleague's post on Facebook about a deodorant. She's an online seller, has been doing it even before we came to know each other and that was like 5 years ago. At first, I was like "Okay, a new product of hers. Seems that her online store is thriving 'cause it's still alive. "  Haha. In short, I wasn't interested in the product but I did notice it. Just not enough to make me want to send her a message or even scroll through her post. That is until I started to really notice the product because she started making posts about it with raised arms, letting me see her white and smooth underarms. Out of curiosity, I viewed her profile and all the photo that she posted about the product. She was practically modeling for it. :D
I checked if it looks edited or what not and to make the story short, I contacted her and asked about the product. While I asked her about it I also started to search on Facebook and the Internet about Mamala Virgin Deo and found positive reviews and feedback. Unlike other online sellers, she didn't ask me to purchase the product or to try it or to invest in it by becoming a re-seller. Nope, she just answered my questions about the product, how effective it is and the price. And that was when I decided to purchase just one jar, that is after I asked if it will last for months. I didn't want to spend 320php for a product that will only last for less than a month. And I like that she didn't make a move to bombard me with the so-called "sales stalk" even though personally, I know she's not like that. She's just like me, she says it as it is.

What is Mamala Virgin Deo Cream?

Above is a photo of my first jar which I received on the 1st of November, 2017.
It is a product of Thailand and distributed by Medma Health Group Co. Ltd. Its smell is very light, unlike the other creams wherein it is perfumed or that there is a distinct smell and some will even smell like the creams that we usually put on our face, Mamala Virgin Deo has a very mild smell. It's not even that noticeable. Its weight is 10 grams minus the jar and the box.
It's actually a multi-purpose cream that you can use for the following:
  • Underarm
  • Groin
  • Stretch Marks (it won't make it go away but it will lighten the marks)
  • Scars
  • Neck
  • Elbows
  • Knees
And below are the ingredients:
  • Ascorbic Acid
  • Alpha Arbutin
  • Allantoin
  • Gigawhite
  • Glutathione
  • Cucumus Sativus Extract
  • Emblica Extract
  • Niacinamide
  • Pearl Powder
  • Sodium Hyaluronate
  • Aloe Barbedensis Leaf Juice 
  • Aqua

First month

After the first week of using Mamala Virgin Deo Cream, I didn't see any obvious results. I wasn't disappointed though as I know that to see visible results in just 7 days is just too much to ask for a deo cream that is worth 320php. Especially that my underarms, although they're not really that dark like the butt of a pan, the one that we use to cook in a dirty kitchen here in the Philippines and outdoors if you're in other countries, still I know and believe that it would still take a considerable amount of time to whiten my underarm.

Bad Odor

    -I did notice though that if I use it twice today (morning and evening after taking a bath), there is a subtle smell on my underarms (not that bad but definitely not a good smell either) if I still wasn't able to take a bath or washed my underarms when the sun is already high in the sky the following day which means that I'm already sweaty. But if I take a bath every morning and use the cream after, like make it a habit to take a bath on time and use it right after, and also make sure that your underarms are completely dry before using the product, that subtle smell went away. Which for me is a good thing. I usually work at night or let's just say, I'm usually awake until it's time for everyone to wake up and that would be the time for me to sleep. And when I wake up, I would start working again that taking a bath every day is something that is not easy for me to do. Perks of being a freelancer working for a client who hails from a different timezone. :)


   -Mamala Virgin Deo is not an antiperspirant thus, I didn't expect not to have sweaty underarms. When the weather is hot, I sweat a lot and that includes my underarms. And I'm fine with it. I've read that letting your underarms sweat is good for you as it allows your body to let the toxins flow out of your body while stopping your sweat glands from working by using an antiperspirant, you are actually holding the toxins in. Studies have also shown that sweating is completely healthy and good for you. For me, I'm fine with a sweaty underarm as long as it's not accompanied by a bad odor.

Chicken Skin

    -Well, I was somehow expecting that the "chicken skin" will start to disappear. On the first week until the end of the month, this didn't happen. And I still have them right now while I'm writing this review. This somehow though, didn't really surprise me. Why? Because I shave. Ha Ha Ha. It's pretty unfair to bash a product for not living up to one of its promises when you know you're doing something that is not helping in making the problem go away. Usually, I pluck the hairs on my underarm (this causes chicken skin) and when I don't have the time or patience to pluck, I shave. When you're always on the run, shaving is better than plucking plus it doesn't worsen my eyesight and doesn't cause a stiff neck. Even though wax is already available online and some selected stores/malls, for some reason I haven't talked myself into purchasing one for my underarm.

The photo has my "before" using Mamala Virgin Deo pic. This is the only photo I have left before using Mamala Virgin Deo. I know I'm not the only one who doesn't like to keep old photos of their "unsightly" underarm. On the right side is a photo of my underarm on my 20th day of using Mamala Virgin Deo. Yes, I wasn't able to see the visible results until on the 20th day. It lightened up a bit but still not good enough for me to raise my underarm in public places.
By this time, I became an Authorized Re-seller of Mamala Virgin Deo Cream. I decided to start selling the product because I started to see that it works. Although I wasn't really that active yet in selling it because I was more interested in focusing on my job, I was still learning a lot of things as a Virtual Assistant.

The photo above was taken after I finished my first jar and started on my second jar. As you can see, there is a huge difference then.
This one was taken after I finished my second jar. By this time, I already have 30 people, more or less, directly and indirectly under me as a mentor/distributor. Indirectly means they are under my direct re-sellers, mind you though, it's not like the usual networking that you heard of. I'll explain more about this in my next review. :)

And below is a photo that was taken last month, March 2018. Yes, just like my colleague who introduced me to Mamala Virgin Deo Cream, I am now using my own photos as a model for this product. :) For me, it is better to sell a product that you have tried and tested so that you know what it can and can't do. You are going to be the walking and breathing testimony of the product that you are selling. I abhor hard-selling. During my stint in the BPO industry, being a salesperson is the one thing that I avoided like the plague. One time, I was a Call Center Officer doing Appointment Setting and Lead Generation and I hated it. Yes, the pay is good especially that it's commission based but because I don't do hard-selling despite the pressures that they put on me each and every day, I realized that it just won't work for me. Pure sales wherein you have to do a lot of hard-selling is a big no-no for me. I am also a consumer, I don't like pushy sales agents thus, I understand it completely when a customer is simply not interested.


Will I recommend the product? YES! Not because I am now an official distributor of Mamala Virgin Deo Cream but because the product definitely worked for me. I have had no problem with my underarms since I started using Mamala Virgin Deo. When it comes to cosmetics, it's all about our preferences. What works for me may not necessarily work for you, however, this product is definitely worth a try. If you are given the chance to achieve what you want at a very affordable price then, by all means, seize it! You will never know if you won't try and besides, a lot of satisfied users can definitely attest to the effectiveness of this product and I am one of them. This is the main reason why I became a distributor. :)


Just a quick update on this blog, Mamala Virgin Deo already has this:

I've posted it on our page as well. Nice one #mamalavirgindeoph!

Please feel free to visit my page:
Mamala Virgin Deo Mindanao / @viviramorrisa

And don't be shy to share your thoughts about this review. ;)


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