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Saturday, July 29, 2017


251/365: Afghan Lola Kabob

How do you know when to stop eating?

Many of us who don’t count calories and weigh all of our food has to rely on certain things to tell us when to stop eating.

A lot of us rely on visual clues to judge how full we are (based on an empty plate) rather than listen to our internal cues.

So, no matter how much is on our plate - we will not stop until the damn thing is empty.

Most of the time, this leaves us with the tight pants, meat sweat and sickly feeling of fullness.

Which is NOT a great prospect of any health and weight loss goal, right?

Brian Wansink, a research professor, highlighted this with an intensive study.

He gave two groups, two different food situations. The first group had a normal bowl of soup that would be empty when they ate it. The second group had specially designed bowls with a pumping system built into the bottom of it, which meant that more soup could be added to the bowl as they ate it. Basically, it was a bottomless bowl of soup which they are not aware of.

All the participants in each group were told to stop eating when they are full.

Brian and his team found out that the people who ate from the bottomless bowls consumed a whopping 73% more soup than those who ate from the normal bowls. This emphasizes the idea that most of the time, we don’t consider the possibility of being full before our plates are empty which leads us to eat more than we should.

As you sit down to eat today, remember that relying on visual clues (like an empty plate or bowl) can lead you to overeat.


- Eat slowly

- Gauge yourself and your hunger levels as you eat

- Focus on your food and enjoy it

- Don't try to multi-task while eating

- Stop if you're satisfied, not full

Be a little mindful of your food and LET your body, not your plate; have the final say how much you eat.


  1. It is a very informative and useful post thanks it is good material to read this post increases my knowledge. Chicwish
